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A&D Medical ULTRACONNECT Wireless Blood Pressure Monitor (UA-1200BLE)

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$130.24 (can be purchased via vendor site or Amazon)

Clinical Indication

  • Facilitating the diagnosis of hypertension in alleviating the need for the patient to return to the office for follow-up BP checks 
  • Increases accuracy of the diagnosis of hypertension, as ambulatory BP monitoring can expose white-coat hypertension (elevated BP in office but not at home) or masked hypertension (elevated BP at home but not in the office)
  • Monitoring of treatment efficacy to titrate levels of antihypertensive medication
  • Improves patient compliance with antihypertensive medication

Evidence Base

  • Home blood pressure monitoring more accurately reflects the risk of cardiovascular events than office, blood pressure measurement. In addition, there is high-quality evidence that HBPM combined with clinical support improves blood pressure control. Therefore, HBPM is increasingly recommended by guidelines to confirm diagnosis of hypertension and evaluate the efficacy of blood pressure-lowering medications.
    Liyanage-Don N, Fung D, Phillips E, Kronish IM. Implementing Home Blood Pressure Monitoring into Clinical Practice. Curr Hypertens Rep. 2019; 21(2):14
  • Over the past several decades, evidence has accumulated on the following two approaches for measuring blood pressure outside of the clinic: ambulatory and home blood pressure monitoring. Both of these methods have a stronger association with cardiovascular disease outcomes than clinic blood pressure measurement.
    Shimbo D, Abdalla M, Falzon L, Townsend RR, Muntner P. Role of Ambulatort and Home Blood Pressure Monitoring in Clinical Practice: A Narrative Review. Ann Intern Med. 2015; 163(9):691-700.
  • Home blood pressure monitoring is more effective in reducing systolic and diastolic blood pressure compared to other interventions. However, the clinical significance of its effect is moderate. 

    Re LG, Fusetti V. Efficacia del monitoraggio domiciliare della pressione arterios. Sinossi di revisioni sistematiche [Effectiveness of Blood Pressure Home Monitoring. Synopsis of Systematic Reviews.]. Prof Inferm. 2017; 70(1): 3-11. 


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Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit.

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